For many young people, coming to terms with their sexual orientation can be a confusing experience. Nothing is really black and white when it comes to sexuality. While some young people know they are straight, and others know they are gay or lesbian, there is another group that suspects they may be attracted to both genders.
If you aren’t quite sure about your preference or whether or not you may be bisexual, here are some questions to ask yourself:
1. Am I attracted to men and women?
The fact you are reading this blog posts suggests you have an attraction to both men and women. Something else to consider is, is the attraction for the opposite gender or the same gender a one-off event, or you find yourself attracted to many people of that same gender? For instance, you may be attracted to your best friend who is the same gender as you because they are awesome and you have so much fun together, but they are the only person of your gender you find yourself having feelings for.
2. When you first heard about bisexuality, did you feel a sense of relief?
When you first read about the concept of bisexuality, did something “click” for you? Did you feel that things in your life finally made sense and like a weight was taken off your shoulders?
3. How do you see your future?
We all spend time thinking about our “happily ever after.” What does that look like for you? Do you think you could be just as happy and content spending your life with a husband, a wife or a non-binary partner?
4. Are you offended by bisexual stereotypes?
You may sometimes hear people speak about bisexuality in stereotypical terms. Maybe someone in your circle of friends has said that all bisexuals are into threesomes, polyamory or are promiscuous. When you heard this, did it offend you?
5. Are you attracted to androgynous people?
Androgyny refers to people that have both male and female characteristics. If you find yourself attracted to androgynous people, it may be a sign that you are naturally attracted to both genders.
Love Yourself for Who You Are
Understand that this is only a guide and a way for you to explore your feelings and sexuality. At the end of the day, what’s is important is not WHAT you are, but that you love yourself for WHO you are.
If you or a loved one is interested in exploring counseling, please contact me today. I would be happy to speak with you about how I may help you.